Thursday, May 16, 2013

safely pooped :)

we arrived safely in Hong Kong and was ever so happy to get off the plane :)

miles from Chicago to Hong Kong:  7,889 (one of longest flights available)
number of sneezes made on said flight:  489
number of times i said 'God bless you' in my head:  489
number of times little girl in front of us puked:  2
number of times i thanked the Lord for the journey:  countless :)
number of times i thought about how physically crummy i'd feel the next few days:  countless :(

heading out today with Alex and he always provides a great great time.  a man of God and fun :)

sooo hoping that sleep will come tonight.   five hours over two days just is tough.  hate sounding whiny, but whatever :).  so want so much to feel decent when Hannah arrives in 2.5 days!!!  speaking of sweet girl, please pray that fear and grief are in a healthy amount and that God allows peace and joy to settle in quickly....

It has been so good to be getting incoming texts and emails.  it is a moment by moment choice i have to make to be 'fully present' here (Charlotte - your perfect phrase from our Haiti trip :) with half of my heart back at home.  

at times like these - these crazy journeys of the adoptive heart - you realize just how many people are rallying for you and storming Heaven's gate on your behalf.   thanks guys for all you are doing.  


  1. I've been watching all day for a post;
    thank you for taking the time to update the blog!
    Prayers and love have been coming your way,
    and will continue :)

  2. Praying for you!!! So glad to see a blog post!
    Praying for perfect peace for sweet Hannah & rested for you!

  3. When God called Moses up on the mountain, he basically says to Moses, "Be here." He knew our natural inclination on the top of the mountain is to begin thinking about our journey down again. You are on the mountain with 4 of your kids. Be there. God will take care of us here.

  4. Just checking in. Hope you had a great day!
