Saturday, March 2, 2013

she's come to life!

before and after.  photos taken a month apart.  doesn't have a family; has a family.  isn't it incredible to see her come to life before your eyes?!!

holt has been nothing short of awesome.  we've gotten more information in the last two months on lu cai qi than all the adoptions combined.  the orphanage staff took her and her foster dad to a hotel so the holt staff person could meet with cai qi. they talked about lots of things that we'd asked about.  cai qi is excited, but scared about learning the language.  she is over-the-moon happy to have a family, but will miss her foster family alot.  these are good and healthy emotions.

we went to chris tomlin last night (amazing amazing!) and many times i had thoughts of cai qi coming to the know the One who made her.  maybe next year, we can take her and she can be up praising and singing and dancing and weeping over His Goodness to our family :)