Sunday, May 26, 2013

Holy is the Lord

there is nothing quite like being in another country and worshiping with believers.... every culture praises in different styles but the Focus is the same and it is awesome to be part of it.  this church is a bi-lingual service meaning it lasts twice as long:) but it is so very worth it!  when the first song (sung in english) was "holy is the Lord, God Almighty, the earth is filled with His glory.... and TOGETHER we sing, EVERYONE sing,".... i felt completely undone.  at home, i have never once raised my hands in praise and today there was no way i was keeping them down!  it felt so freeing to show Him love in this way :).  i hold back at home feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable.  i truly don't know why.  has anyone else felt like this before?  it made me realize i keep my focus on myself instead of Him....

shopping was as fun as i was sure it would be:).  i gave sam, sarah, and lydia each 200 RMB (about $30) so they could make their own decisions and bargains :)  sam and lydia spent every penny on siblings and friends.  they were so cute going through every person and searching out the perfect item.  made my heart happy that they understood the joy of giving.  it is way more fun to give!

hannah is in the period of showing me every.single.item by calling "MOMMY!!!!"  my ratio of 'no' to 'yes' was about 415,547:1.  is there hope she will see a pattern?!

sarah had a funky allergic reaction to something in the first shop (before church where we dropped off laundry).  my guess is that it was a pregnant cat that she was petting forever (she could have cared less about looking at the stuff because of the cat :).  she tells me she can't stop scratching her face and then i realized the rash was everywhere.  thank God a mom had one Benadryl and within 30 minutes it was better enough that we felt like church was doable.  she has never had that happen before so maybe chinese cats have something ours don't :).  sandy and teri - learn from me and bring lice treatment and allergy medicine :(

time to eat and swim :).  big (code:  long and hot :) day tomorrow at the safari park and i hope it promises what everyone raves about.  being the ginormous animal lovers that we are, i can't imagine we will be disappointed....

love from guangzhou for only 72 more hours!!!!!  happy dance :)  xoxo


  1. You will LOVE Safari Park! It was the most amazing zoo I have ever been to. The kids will love it! I never attended that church; but after hearing your story, I sure wish I had. I assumed it would not be "genuine", if you know what I mean. But it sounds like you had a wonderful experience! Please share when you will return (flight#, time, etc.). I would love to be part of the airport welcome!

  2. Jan, I have enjoyed reading your blog. I cant wait to see you and meet Hannah. What a pro you have become at world traveling....Miss you and get to see your awesome family tomorrow night for supper. Truly looking forward to that.
