Monday, May 20, 2013

diamond in the rough

that pretty much describes the newest ranger.  truth be told, i’d guess that describes all the rangers :)  hannah is a little firecracker.  she’s tiny as a bug, but has a big personality.  she seems pretty confident about herself and isn’t afraid of much anything so far.  i think she was well-prepared by the agency and none of this has caught her off guard.  it is what her little mind had expected, i think.  she gives and receives affection well.  i laughed this morning as i took an early morning shower (shocking for me :) and in she walks to the glass shower and says “mommy!” and in all my chunky glory, i said “and good morning to you, girl!”  nice way to break any getting to know you awkwardness :)

one of the best parts of traveling (i’m looking for all the reasons to tell myself i should not be wishing my time away :) is meeting other adoptive families.  seriously, they are some of the nicest people!  everyone is overjoyed, yet exhausted.  relieved to be at this stage, yet homesick.  content, yet restless.  actually, maybe all those are just me…. i can’t imagine being here without  the comradery of these people.

the days are long here.  maybe i’m just not used to so much downtime :)  can you tell the homesickness has settled in a little too comfortably this afternoon?  i’ll need to work on that once again.  if you could offer up a prayer, i’d take that, too :)  lydia is feeling it even more than me.  i think that is good for her.  a dose of appreciation for your family and home is always a good thing.

i found out that if you want to blog from china, you need to download a vpn before leaving.  how i missed that one i’m not sure….  thank the Lord for a capable and willing sister :)

we are off to swim again.  squeals of delight never get old.

chinese proverb for the day:  a black cat or a white cat doesn’t matter; if it can catch a mouse, it is a good cat.

and with that incredible wisdom, i’ll sign off for the day.  thanking Him for the precious gift of this little girl.  you are going to love her, i promise.  hugs from nanchang :)


  1. Jan,
    I am joining your journey "in progress";) Very excited for your family. We will be praying.

  2. Stop your belly aching! At least you're there. : - ) So, she has a big personality? Couldn't tell that from her pictures. : - ) Yes, I have been thinking and wondering how it is going.

  3. Oh, I meant I've been praying. LOL

  4. So glad to see that you have your sweet little girl with you now! Hope the awkward transition phase goes quickly. Praying for you.

  5. I was adopted 5 years ago from china.I just want to say thank you.

  6. Love following along & LOVE seeing all those sweet smiling faces! Praying for you!
